Vega - traduction vers français
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Vega - traduction vers français

Vega (character); Vega (island); VEGA

Vega, brightest star in the constellation Lyra; Lope de Vega (1562-1635), Spanish playwright and poet; Suzanne Vega (born 1959), songwriter, musician, singer; family name
Vega, family name; brightest star in the constellation Lyra; Lope de Vega (1562-1635), Spanish playwright and poet; Suzanne Vega (born 1959), songwriter, musician, singer
Suzanne Vega         
Suzanne Vega (born 1959), songwriter, musician, singer


·noun A brilliant star of the first magnitude, the brightest of those constituting the constellation Lyra.
II. Vega ·add. ·noun An open tract of ground; a plain, ·esp. one which is moist and fertile, as those used for tobacco fields.


Vega (disambiguation)

Vega is a star in the constellation Lyra.

Vega or VEGA may also refer to:

Exemples de prononciation pour Vega
1. Hello, Vega. Hello, Vega.
Voyage to the Prehistoric Planet (1965)
2. Calling Vega. Calling to Evans at Vega.
Voyage to the Prehistoric Planet (1965)
3. Vincent Vega.
Pulp Fiction
4. Hello, Vega.
Voyage to the Prehistoric Planet (1965)
5. This is command ship Vega calling. Command ship Vega.
Voyage to the Prehistoric Planet (1965)
Exemples du corpus de texte pour Vega
1. L‘engin des étudiants de l‘EPFL s‘envolera début 200' ŕ bord du lanceur européen Vega.
2. En décembre, c‘était Pedro et le commandeur de Lope de Vega ŕ la Comédie–Française.
3. Tellement aimé. Felix Lope de Vega naît en 1562 ŕ Madrid dans un milieu d‘artisans.
4. Certes, les aventures de Don Diego de la Vega ne constituent pas la premi';re fiction télévisuelle par épisodes.
5. Avec, entre autres, le spectacle du Genevois Omar Porras, Pedro et le Commandeur de Lope de Vega.